Introducing Nikko

Nikko is a 16.1 hh Appendix Quarter Horse.  He is 17 years old and loving life.  I've owned him for 3 years now.   He is residing upstate for now but we will be going back to Long Island soon.  Nikko is being retrained to jump again. W entered our first show together over the summer in 2009.  We got two firsts and a Grand Champion.  We also got a 2nd over fences in our second horse show and a 3rd in a flat class.  He is a very down to earth horse, very calm and loves everyone! Nikko is very aware of his rider and will never do anything intentional to harm you which is why I love him so much.  As far as I know Nikko and I will be a team for a very long time.  He is the best horse ever..he is an amazing animal!